Is your Brand Ready to Tap into the French Connection?

So. Your brand is finally spreading its wing and leaving the nest. Ready to go global and seduce millions, if not billions of French speakers. All 223 billions of them. Or, at least, the 10 millions of Canadians that live and breathe in the tongue of Molière.

But is it looking right for the part? What does it really know about French speakers, especially those funny French Canadians?

–          They do tend to smoke a lot;

–          They ingest incredible amounts of poutine;

–          They are fiercely protective and proud of their heritage;

–          Well… Have you got another one (except “they’re all hockey players” or “listen to Celine Dion”)?

What’s your plan? What’s the proper way to address Quebeckers? What are the best words to choose, words that seduce, convince, and sell?

When is it time to translate, adapt, or create from scratch?

Trust us. Touché* has been providing on-target, on-time, and on-budget high impact persuasive copy for hundreds of clients like YOU. In IT, Health, eLearning, Sales, Marketing, and, yes Virginia, even Entertainment.

Touché* applies its very own secret recipe to all of its translation, adaptation, and copywriting projects elements.

Since we really like you, we’re ready to reveal some of the main ingredients… But shhh… Don’t you dare repeat it!


1- Emotions that sell;

2- The right word at the right time to create and maintain credibility;

3- The zen of clear, crisp, simple copy;

4- Turning words into music to be memorable;

5- The power of two translators.


So, what are you waiting for?

Contact our friendly head honcho (Eric G) so we can discuss how I can help your brand get its message across in La Belle Province.


(More to come…)